Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties features first home in Showcase of Homes

Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties partnered with a local hospitality employee to build the first of 26 homes in Silver Creek Village. The single family home was completed this year and will be featured in the Park City Showcase of Homes running August 26th -29th and September 3rd-6th. pcshowcaseofhomes.com/

In addition to their volunteers, Habitat Habit for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties credits part of their building success to the support of the Park City Area Home Builders Association’s leadership and members. The Association donated flooring, installed replacement windows, poured concrete, and helped with landscaping. To learn more about the Park City Area Home Builders Association visit pcahba.com/

Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties chose Anna May, a manager at a local coffee shop and a single mother to a 13-year-old son with autism, as the participating homeowner. Among Anna’s financial pressures are her commute from Wasatch County for a hospitality job, an income that places her under the 50% area mean income, the costs of raising a child with special needs, and a rent that consumes more than half of her income.

In addition to financial worries, she has had plenty of life challenges as well. Providing a safe, secure home for her son has been a top priority, and she has family nearby who have helped as much as they can, both with finances and time. Her landlord, however, refuses to provide any basic repairs that provide a habitable shelter, and has threatened to sell the property.

Anna May applied once before being chosen by Habitat, using the time in between to improve her credit score, keep her debt load low, and even save some money. She began the process of becoming a homeowner, and has invested more than 200 hours in sweat equity. Even after she moves in, she will continue to partner with Habitat to ensure she is knowledgeable about being a good homeowner.

To learn more about Habitat for Humanity of Summit and Wasatch Counties homeownership opportunities or volunteering visit www.habitat-utah.org/what-we-do/homeownership.html

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