Wow. What a few months it has been. Park City and the world was flipped upside-down and forced to adjust to a new normal. Through these changes, our community response was nothing short of remarkable.

Our neighbors came together to offer support in creative and unique ways. Many shared resources, personal outreach and acts of kindness to stay connected during a time when we were encouraged to self-isolate. Th e Park City Community Foundation raised over $1.3 million for its Community Response Fund by the end of May. Local nonprofits such as Christian Center of Park City, People’s Health Clinic, Jewish Family Service, and CONNECT Summit County played critical roles in addressing needs such as food, shelter and mental health.

Th roughout the COVID-19 outbreak, Parkites got pretty creative with “shelter in place” activities. Solitary mountain strolls, drive-by birthday parties and Zoom work meetings. Online yoga and boxing classes. Group chat book clubs, amateur sous-chef and photojournalist competitions. Virtual tours of aquariums and museums. It was inspirational to see friends and family members working together to keep each other motivated and upbeat.

So, like our lives, this issue looks a little different than our past issues. There are masks, promises of safety and more curbside options. This issue demonstrates that while things must change, we can still make this summer count with the support of our community and a little creative thinking.

Read through the benefits of silence, more familiar to us now than ever, in “Raising the Volume of Silence.” If you’re ready to make changes in your home that you’ve been spending so much time in, check out “Fresh Perspectives” for tips from expert home designers. Dream about upcoming travels with “Global Traveler” and learn about all the fun we have at our fingertips in our Activities section.

We are so very thankful to be a part of this strong community. As we work together to get through this challenging time, we hope Parkites remember to be grateful for the wrinkles around our eyes, which let people know we’re smiling while wearing our masks. And that we practice a little more patience with one another and lend a helping hand to our neighbors, appropriately distanced of course. Most of all, let’s all do our part to keep our local restaurants and business’s thriving. Our small contributions make a big impact on their families.

For more insight and the latest up-to-date happenings, check out our website at

Let summer begin.
Be safe, have fun and wear a mask!




Liz Field, Publisher – Mountain Express Magazine

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