High Altitude Headaches Dragging You Down?

Not all headaches are the same, but if you find yourself living or spending time in high altitude elevations, your headaches go beyond your own physiology. They can have as much to do with the air you’re breathing, or more specifically the lack of oxygen in that air, than anything else.

Headaches at mountain altitudes are often caused by reduced levels of oxygen. Park City’s elevation ranges between 7,000 and 10,000 feet with approximately 30% less overall oxygen than what’s found at sea level. Breathing at higher altitudes brings less oxygen into your body. This can cause a number of negative physiological responses such as insomnia, nausea, fatigue, digestive issues and of course, pesky incessant headaches.

One way to solve your adverse responses to the lack of oxygen is to get more oxygen into your body. Enter Altitude Control Technologies. ACT is the industry leader in altitude simulation technology. They have developed an unobtrusive system for your home that adjusts oxygen levels to those found up to 7,000 feet less in elevation. Six to eight hours of sleep at these levels will saturate your body with enough oxygen to last the entire day. You can experience improvement from the very first night.

However, ACT’s system does more than just add oxygen. It scientifically simulates a lower altitude. They incorporate researched algorithms for fire safety, air quality and altitude simulation. The system also purifies the air of bacteria, particulates and viruses. And it requires almost no maintenance.

ACT’s science and products have become the gold standard for professional sports teams, government agencies, universities and medical schools worldwide. Their oxygenation systems meet all NFPA, OSHA and CDC standards for safety and air quality. It’s the best air you can breathe.

Find out more about how you can ditch altitude-related symptoms for good with a luxury bedroom modification from Altitude Control Technologies.


SOURCEDenys Manninen
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